A robust and aggressive approach to fundraising and outreach is crucial for Colorado's 2025 and 2026 elections. I see Republicans calling for more resources for candidates in 2026, and we absolutely must allocate money, time, infrastructure, and volunteers in 2026 in order to flip more seats. We must also focus on our 2025 school board elections; it is not enough to elect statewide candidates. Our children are our most valuable asset, and we must allocate everything we can to protect our kids from the woke legislature and Governor Polis. I have engaged the donors to help fuel this important initiative in both 2025 and 2026, and I have also begun recruiting candidates across the state to hold elected office and advance our values. Read More
Evolving the party to meet our emerging needs: Evolving the party to meet our emerging needs:
Build our benches! The future of our party starts with local government, like it has from our inception. The state party must work to funnel resources and support to our counties and aligned organizations to achieve our goal of getting Republicans elected on school boards, town councils, and county commissions.
Education is the civil rights issue of our era - that means adhering to our GOP platform through expanded school choice and the restoration of parental rights throughout our 179 school districts.
Setting up policy or support positions that show the Republican Party taking leadership roles
Republicans will fight to restore Parental Rights in Education and enforce our Civil Rights Laws to stop schools from discriminating on the basis of Race. We trust Parents! And we’ll do this through effective school board races and working in tandem with aligned organizations to take our case to parents and taxpayers alike.
Recent results show it IS possible! In 2023 alone, all candidates who won their school board director races up and down the Front Range ran on both more parental control and against tax increases – and voters rewarded them.
Expanding our donor networks, both small and large. We all know financial support plays a key role in the difference between success and failure in elections. That’s the reality of today’s politics. Meaningful, long-lasting relationships must be forged with both large donors and small donor networks to sustain Republican successes, both at the state and county level. Not only is expanding these relationships crucial, assisting counties with donor strategies through mentorship will give these all-volunteer entities the ability to generate additional resources for local successes.
It’s no secret for a number of our communities; our Party’s candidates have to work to garner both Republican and Unaffiliated voter support to achieve victory. This trajectory will not change anytime soon, so we must not forget this crucial voting bloc. Working with our county parties, we will seize on critical data gathered through Get Out the Vote operations, polling information, and demographic changes to support localized strategy development. Our county parties can sometimes lack in the information or research available to them, and this is where the state party can be that reach back support, setting them, and our candidates up, for future success.
From defense to offense:
Winning elections. We can’t affect the trajectory of our state without winning the state house, state senate, or governor’s office. This tall effort is 100 percent achievable - but it takes a leader focused on bridging gaps in our party, partnering with our minority party leadership, and expanding on strategic relationships with groups like our Libertarian Party friends to make it happen. Having a leader that understands this is paramount.
To win elections, we need Republican voices active down to the precinct level. In the metro area, we have county parties with more than 60% vacancy rates at the precinct committee person level. This is unacceptable. Our party cannot mount an effective offensive strategy if we have ceded ground to our Democrat counterparts. We must use every tool at our disposal to identify great Patriots in our communities and ask them to serve their fellow Republicans as PCPs. It takes work, and that’s why we need leaders ready to put in that work.
It’s not enough to just win – we have to set up the conditions to defend our gains. This means working with elected officials and their campaigns to analyze results and identify what actions the state party can take in conjunction with county parties to shore up support so that we maintain previous successes, while adding on more.
Fortifying Conservative Communities
The State Legislature is NOT the final stop. Although Colorado is squeezed through a blue sieve thanks to the spread of California's liberal policies, most of us think like rational conservatives. Denver and Boulder decide laws for the entire state, thanks to the way the lines are drawn and their concentrated populations. But Denver does not speak for Chafee County, or for the hard-working families of Calhan, Colorado. Over the last several years, I have created abundant conservative policy to protect Colorado families from the terrible laws coming out of the Capitol, including the Gun Safe Spaces Opt-Out, Mental Health Assessments Opt Out, Parental Consent for Pronouns, and many more. It is crucial that we show Colorado that when common sense policies are adopted, families and communities thrive. Read More
Open Primaries
Open Primary Elections were part of Jared Polis' original plan to turn Colorado from a Western red state, to a communist blue nightmare. Open primary elections dilute the will of the Party by allowing those without a stake in our outcome to sway primary elections. Voters who do not register as Republican, should absolutely have zero say in our elections, and I will continue to fight to close our primaries. Read More
People so often preach about unity, but what does it mean? As Republicans, we value our individuality and freedom of speech. We will never think the same as our neighbors, and that is okay. We will always have internal squabbles and disputes. What matters is not that we convince our peers to think like us. Instead, we must have the resolve and the foresight to understand that each Republican brings his or her own set of skills and value to the table.
I have always said that we must stop treating people as disposable. Every Republican has value, and we need to capitalize on that value. The Republican tent is big enough for all of us, and it takes all of us to fight the Democrats while advancing our values.
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