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February 21, 2025
Contact: Team Schoening, 

Statement from GOP Chair Candidate Darcy Schoening on Colorado Medical Entities
Restarting Destructive Gender Affirming Care

MONUMENT, Colo. – Darcy Schoening, candidate for Chair of the Colorado Republican Party, issued the following statement today regarding the decision by Denver Health and Colorado Children’s Hospital to restart destructive gender-affirming procedures for minors in Colorado:

"The recent decision by Denver Health and Children’s Hospital Colorado to resume so-called ‘gender-affirming care’ for minors is a direct attack on parental rights, medical ethics and the long-term health of vulnerable children.

These dangerous procedures—many of which cause irreversible harm—ignore the critical need for proper mental health treatment and dismiss growing evidence that medical transitioning leads to long-term physical and psychological damage. Rather than providing science-based, compassionate care, these hospitals have chosen to push a radical agenda at the expense of our children’s well-being.

We thank President Trump for standing up for our children through his January 28th executive order aimed at protecting minors from chemical and surgical mutilation. His leadership proves that Republicans from the White House down are willing to fight for the most vulnerable. However, in Colorado, far-left extremists like Attorney General Phil Weiser are doing everything they can to drag our children back into a system that prioritizes ideology over their health and safety. These radical politicians want to strip parents of their rights, silence opposition, and force dangerous policies onto our families—and we must not let them succeed.

This fight is about protecting children, restoring parental authority, and holding medical institutions accountable for the irreversible damage they are inflicting. As Chair of the Colorado GOP, I will ensure that Republicans at every level push back against this extremism and fight for policies that actually safeguard children, not endanger them.”

Darcy Schoening
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