Darcy Schoening is a Colorado political figure who currently serves as Director of Special Initiatives for the Colorado Republican Party. Darcy ran a critical statewide initiative to prohibit medical transitioning of minors in Colorado. She has served in an expansive list of roles, including Chair of Moms for Liberty. During her tenure there, the chapter quickly became a policy powerhouse and media sensation. That chapter of Moms for Liberty successfully pushed for dozens of school boards to opt out of the invasive screenings born out of HB23-1003, as well as the implementation of anti-mask and vaccine mandate policies in several school districts.
Darcy also served as a Monument Trustee, where she single-handedly prevented a low-income, subsidized housing project from ever leaving the developer's desk. She pushes for the removal of homeless people within city limits daily, as well as individuals living in cars, as Darcy realizes that families suffer higher crime rates when people are allowed to camp near homes.
Darcy has also served on the boards of Colorado Federation of Republican Women, Pikes Peak Firearms, Sunrise Republican Women, Saint Peter HS&A, Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments, and Palmer Lake Parks Commission.
Darcy Schoening is currently urging Colorado localities to become Law & Order Cities or Counties by passing a resolution to reject becoming sanctuary cities or using any resources to help illegals.
Darcy was also successful in urging the Colorado Republican Party to endorse President Trump in the 2024 Primary Election, a feat previously unheard of at the Colorado GOP.
Currently, Darcy Schoening serves on the Board of Colorado Hispanic Republicans and is a sitting Board member for a Colorado charter school. She believes that our children are our future, and we must protect them at all costs.